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The Tree of Happiness

Category : Personal Development, Personal Finance, Retirement


There is no nexus between a tree and your happiness. At least, that’s what I believed until I learned about the tree of happiness — Albizia.

Chinese call it a tree of happiness.

It bends in the winds but doesn’t break. Interesting.

I call it perseverance.

How many times you wanted to learn that skill but, after initial exuberance, you found plethora of reasons to end that pursuit?

In one of my favorite books, ONE THING, Gary Keller wrote importance of finding one thing or a skill that you want to master.

Spend at least 2-4 hours daily doing that ONE THING no matter how hard the wind blows against you.

It will change your life forever both professionally and financially.

And while its flowers look like they’d blow away in the first light breeze, they hang tough through storms, all the way through summer and into fall. — The Tree of Happiness

Start a blog. Connect with others who share same passion.

Share your newfound skill and knowledge with the world and beautiful leaves of Albizia will start growing in your life.

That same skill will  open doors of opportunities beyond your wildest imagination.

You will find opportunity to train others or to start your own consulting service.

You will get paid handsomely while doing that same ONE THING.

Not only you will make more money as a by-product but you will also keep improving ONE THING  aka your skill.

We live in a world that offers unprecedented, vast ocean of opportunities through the Internet.

No matter which part of the planet you belong to, world is your oyster as long as you have a skill that is in demand and improves lives of other fellow human beings.

The young generation today has so many ways to lay roots of Albizia and grow the tree of happiness without much capital at all.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

— Mark Twain.