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Achieve Financial Freedom: Awesome Lessons to Spruce up Your Finances

Category : Frugal Habits, Personal Development, Personal Finance, Retirement, Smart Investment Ideas

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. — Ben Franklin

Achieving financial freedom is no small feat to undertake. Bogeyman is around the corner to snatch up your money before you even know. Even brightest among us face peril of losing wealth, if few major bumps come along the way.

How can you achieve financial freedom amid the ocean of financial information to explore? If you’ve felt hapless finding your safe harbor of financial freedom, you’re not alone!

Isn’t it a fabulous idea if you can get valuable advice to achieve financial freedom from 10 brilliant articles of financial wisdom on the blogoshpere? Of course, it is.

1. Saving money is the key to achieve financial freedom

The first step is to save aggressively.  I’ve been saving 50%-75% of my after tax income every year for the past 13 years.  I try not to be a miser and have done my best to try and spend money on things I enjoy e.g. vacations, food, a home, and tennis.  Where I did “sacrifice” was not buying higher-end new cars (all but one were second hand and under $20K) and going on less exotic vacations. Amanpulo I’m coming for you eventually! — Financial Samurai

2.  Live Modestly

A lot of rich people constantly stress about their financial situation, all the while spending like there’s no tomorrow. If you’re making $500,000 this year and spend $400,000, you’d better hope that the economy doesn’t crash because once you’re out of a job, good luck funding that $400,00 a year hole in your pocket. By living modestly, you can relieve your stress and sleep well at night. Ostentatious living creates stress over your bills.  — Modest Money

3. Become a Renaissance man

What does becoming a Renaissance man mean? Think of a man like Leonardo da Vinci. Not only is the man famous for his inventions and scientific studies, but he is also one of the most famous painters of his time. His talents and interests were broad and deep, and there was no shortage of things to work on and explore.  —  Invest It Wisely

4. You can’t go wrong with an Index fund

A portfolio of 100% stocks, which is what VTSAX(Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund) gives you, in study after study provides the greatest return over time.  The only downside, and I mean only, is that the ride will be very rough at times.  Admittedly, it’s a big one.  If you are not tough enough to stay the course, if you get scared and bail when the storms are raging you are going to drown.  But that’s a failure in you, not a downside of this asset class.  —  jlcollinsnh

5.  You are responsible for your financial destiny; choose well

It is widely believed that small changes, practiced regularly, lead to out-sized results. Many great accomplishments began with tiny actions, implemented again and again. There’s research supporting the financial and personal benefits of quite a few of these habits. — barbarafriedbergpersonalfinance

6.  Ordinary people can do great things too

I used to think that only geniuses and superheroes could achieve fantastic things in life. Or, at the very least, I felt that to have any success you had to be a totally go-getting, risk-taking, all out entrepreneurial maverick. At heart, I’m a cautious, down-to-earth kinda guy. My personal experiences, though, have shown me the potential that comes when you take positive action – even if it is only one step in the right direction. Extraordinary things are happening around us every day … all achieved by ordinary folk like you and me. —   Vividways

7.  Learn to invest in dividend growth stocks

The goal of Dividend Growth investing once retired is to maintain and grow your income from the dividends your portfolio produces. You maintain steady uninterrupted monthly retirement income as long as collectively your stocks will continue to produce 4% or more income annually and the dividend is not cut.  — SeekingAplha

8.  Think like a hamster, live like a hamster

Think less about money, more about time. Stop thinking of physical possessions in terms of money and start thinking of them in terms of time. Mentally convert money into minutes and you’ll achieve financial freedom faster.  — Free Money Finance

9.  Save as if you were a  60 years old

Three things saved us: 1. Our unwavering 50% savings rate. 2. Avoiding debt. I’ve never even had a car payment. 3. Finally embracing the indexing lessons Jack Bogle perfected 40 years ago.  — Mr.  Money Mustache

10. Learn from the Greatest Investor

Making money isn’t the backbone of our guiding purpose; making money is the by-product of our guiding purpose.”  If you’re doing something you love, you’re more likely to put your all into it, and that generally equates to making money. – Warren Buffett 

Achieving financial freedom is all about developing mind-set to develop laser sharp focus on every aspect of your financial health. If you follow these articles of financial brilliance, you will be well on your way to the road of prosperity and happiness.


Improving Your Finances by Gaining Control Over the Person in the Mirror   — PicktheBrain

8 Essential Skills They Didn’t Teach You In School  —

Photo courtesy: Courtney0609