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10 Super Tips to Save Money Now

A Banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain. — Mark Twain

Do you know that 80% of working people hate what they do? Why would these people enslave their happiness to an 8 hour prison cell for the sake of paycheck? While reading this article, it dawned on me that many of us have imprisoned our purpose and happiness to a societal epidemic — to live like Joneses by spending tomorrow’s earnings today.

No matter how advance we become as a society, some age-old principles remain unchanged. Saving money so that you can work when you want and you can work that you love is one of those cornerstone principles of financial nirvana.

Yet, we see more government dependency and increasing rate of financial casualties with ever-growing lifestyle and income these days.

In the midst of these dire signs, you will find some rays of hope for your financial future. You will find abundance of advice and selfless financial journalism by countless great people who have learned and mastered ways to save money for the future.

All you need is a burning desire to put these timeless tips in action in order to fatten up your savings account.

1.  Get your financial house in order.

The first thing you should do is list your current essential expenses. This will allow you to understand how much you spend per month and will help you better predict how much you will need to spend after you quit your job. — MadFientiest

 2. Have a definite goal in mind.

So, long before I heard the term, I knew I wanted F-You Money. If memory serves, it comes from James Clavell. In his novel “Tai Pan” (highly recommended BTW) a young woman is on the quest to secure 10 million dollars. She calls it her “Fuck You Money.” And 10m is far more than it takes, at least for me. But it put a face to the goal.  — Mr. Money Mustache

 3. Be responsible for your future.

But, the truth is that most people are more interested in complaining about it than actually being proactive and seeking out solutions that will save them money on gas. Waiting for gas prices to go down is not going to get you far. However, if you put in a little time and effort, you will be surprised how many opportunities there are to reduce the amount you pay for gas.  — My Money Design

4. Learn from successful people.

Spend like a Millionaire, if you want to become rich. That means don’t spend too much. In general, millionaires live conservatively, not extravagantly. — Babara Friedberg Personal Finance

5. Know your needs and learn to squash the bug of wants.

The second step to realizing this goal is to not only cut as many expenses as you can but to first separate your needs from your wants so that you are applying the cuts to the correct places. This should be a two column list where you go through every item you allocate money to each month. Slash the items in the “want” column as aggressively as possible before you move to the “need” column. The “need” column wont be able to be slashed with as much vigor, but perhaps you can find hidden area’s of excess spending on these necessities.  — Modest Money

6.  Learn to think and grow rich.

I saved years and years of living expenses by the time I turned 30.  Could have spent like Snoop Dogg, but didn’t.  My reasoning was I needed to save because I was whipped so hard at my first job from ages 22-24, that there was no way I could survive if I had to work more than 20 years.  Cheap bastard? — Financial Samurai

7.   Save like a financial Ninja.

We’re spending less than $400 per month for food, and we still get out and enjoy meals away, just not every other day. And to put that savings in perspective, if we just went with the average American family spending, we would not be able to put ANY money away for our son’s college fund. —  iHeatbudgets

8.   Save with gratitude.

Hosting Thanksgiving doesn’t have to kill your budget. Planning ahead, asking for help, and knowing what’s most important are all ways to make sure your holiday is fun, meaningful, and memorable—without giving you a spending hangover. — Onesmartdollar

9.   God Google can help you save.

Before you purchase anything online, go to Google and search for the name of the store + coupon and see if anything comes up. You will be presently surprised how many coupon codes are available online  — Google Tip Jar

10.  Develop good financial habits.

Record every purchase. A few years ago I decided to do this for one month, but I saved so much money that I stuck with it. No more impulse gum, coffee or magazine purchases, and it allowed me to both create and stick to an annual budget. — Dough Roller

photo by: SOOC

Comments (23)

Very nice format! Once again you amaze me with your creativity, Shilpan!

Thank you for your support and kind words, MC!

Thanks a lot for including me in this list.

I enjoy reading your blog, Sean! Keep up the great work.

[…] and life, The Gang Mail To: National Credit Repair 4 Tips To Save Money Unfortunately, anyone who finds themselves behind the ei…ferent. There are a lot of bottom feeders out there that love the opportunity to line their pockets […]

Thanks for the mention Shilpan! Nice work bringing together so many exerts from other PF blogs. It’s a good montage of opinions to support the theme.

Thank you, MMD! It’s fun to share good content on the blogosphere!

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“Financial Ninja”! I love it.
Next time someone asks me why I brown bag my lunch every day, or why I buy clothing at the thrift store I’m going to tell them that it’s because I’m a Financial Ninja! =)

I am glad that you liked the term “Financial Ninja”. Of course, you have to act like a Ninja to save your financial nest egg.

Great simple tips! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you!

These are all great tips. Living below your means but living well is the key. Before making purchases do your due diligence with things like Consumer Reports and the internet. Compare prices always and ask the question “Is that the best price you can give me” or “can you do better”?
Finally do estate and financial planning to protect your family. Get an experienced estate/tax attorney to assist you.

Thank you, Steven!

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[…] 10 Super Tips to Save Money Now on Street Smart Finance […]

Great stuff, Shilpan, and thanks very much for including something I said!

I hope you’ve been doing well!

Pleasure is all mine to read your wonderful article, Brandon!

Hey. I want to drop you a quick note to verbalize my appreciation. I have been watching your web site for several days and have got a heap of excellent tips plus cherished the way you have built your site. I’m going to create my own site however I sense it’s very basic in addition to I want to focus more on certain topics.

Some excellent suggestions on money mangement.

I found this post through the Mad Fientist blog. One HUGE expense to cut is your car. I hate biking, but, I want to live a sustainable life, and, I don’t want to own an expensive, pain-in-the-butt car. So I do carsharing–this is truly changing my life!