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5 Creative Ways to Save Money with Everyday Things You Own

Category : Frugal Habits

Have you ever thought to shine your wedding ring with baking soda? Do you know that WD-40 can not only lubricate rusty nuts, but can also remove jumbo crayon spot from your son’s pocket?

I am a devout frugal. While frugality is the essential habit for your financial well-being, it also makes you a creative person to save money from everyday things you already have.

Over the years, I’ve experimented with many ways to get more life out of things otherwise most people don’t consider useful. It works for me, and it is fun to save money.

I am not a scientist as these creative ways were devised by people smarter than I am; nonetheless, I have stolen their creative ideas to save money when I can to prove their intended use.

1. Removes crayon from walls


My younger daughter used to put her creative art on walls with crayons in her early years. She even once left a jumbo blue crayon in her pocket; and it made it into and through the dark wash, putting bits of blue wax all through her clothes. You may have only used WD-40 to lubricate rusty nuts, but same can of WD-40 spray can remove crayon stains from walls, and it can also remove crayon wax from clothes. These are not the only uses of magic WD-40; look at this list of amazing ways you can use that small can of WD-40 sitting in your garage.


2. Glass cleaning with newspaper

I own hotels so I’ve experimented many ways to save money for the streak free glass cleaning. Once I found out that newspaper works amazingly well with weak solution of vinegar and water, I started saving every copy of USA TODAY for the next day cleaning crew. Try your old newspaper for a streak free glass cleaning instead of spending money on expensive glass cleaner next time. It will work.


3. Deodorize with baking soda

Baking soda can not only make yummy chocolate chip cookies, but can also deodorize garbage can. Sprinkle  the bottom of the pail, and then sprinkle again after you put a new bag in. You will never have stinky garbage can. Do you know that you can also whiten and clean your teeth with baking soda? I use baking soda regularly to brush my teeth, and it has worked well to whiten my teeth. Most of us only use baking soda for cooking, but it has plethora of non cooking usage that you can benefit from. So — next time — before you spend your money on clogged drainer, try 1/4 cup of baking soda along with hot water to see if that saves you money.


4. Remove car dent with plunger

Have you dreaded out-of-pocket expense when someone left a dent on the side of your new car in a parking lot? I have. But, worry not. Try this simple solution before paying a body shop to fix the dent on your car. Take a wet plunger and place it over the dent. Then create suction by pumping it few times. Pull the plunger over the dent sharply after the suction gets created. With little luck, you may save a trip to the body shop and good bit of money too!



5. Mouthwash with Hydrogen Peroxide

Do you know that hydrogen peroxide mixed with water can work as effectively as any expensive mouth wash you can buy from the nearest drug store? It can not only be effective way to kill mouth germs, but also to whiten your teeth. Hydrogen Peroxide can also be used to clean toilets along with vinegar. It has also been used for the wood cleaning. I’ve used it as furniture polish to remove tough stains from the wooden surfaces. You can also use it straight as a gargle for sore throat as well as to heal up your teeth/gums after a visit to the dentist.


I’ve personally tried these tricks, and they work. You can save boatload of money by thinking out of the box to use things you already have instead of spending money on brand name glass cleaner or mouth wash. It’s the ultimate frugal way to save money and environment with fun. Don’t you agree?

Do you have more ideas to save money with everyday things you’ve used?